Tag Archives: short story

The Otherworlder 2: The Heist – Dragon Age Fan-Fiction RPG style short story

Originally written for my YouTube community tab readers and viewers, the fan-fiction short story taking place in Thedas, the Dragon Age setting, called The Otherworlder, was created as a mini RPG style interactive story with choices readers could make. Based on the story they helped shape, here is Part 2 called The Heist in full.

You and your companions accompany Silverio on his mission, where you meet and ally with the ruler of Orlais and the Divine. Yet, events take an unexpected turn when you realise Solas is right on your heels.

Takes place immediately after the events of The Otherworlder 1: Arrival in Thedas.

You stretch, yawning, and for a moment forget where you are before opening your eyes and seeing the ship’s cabin ceiling.

‘Ah, the beauty from the Otherworld awakens.’

You look around. It’s only you and Silverio in the cabin at the moment.

‘You know it’s okay to show sadness sometimes, Silverio, it doesn’t make you any less of a person, and you certainly don’t have to hide your emotions from me.’

Silverio takes a few moments as you sit up. ‘You can’t say things like that to a man like me, I might get the wrong idea,’ he says, trying to sound flirtatious.

‘You, get an idea?’ The two of you share a chuckle. ‘You know, in my world, friends do cry in front of others, doesn’t mean we don’t get embarrassed about it, but we do let our friends see even when we feel weak.’

‘Thanks…’ Silverio smirks and suddenly hefts you over his shoulder. You yelp, startled, and he chuckles. ‘You’re a good friend.’ You feel a smooch on your cheek – your ass cheek.

You scowl in disbelief. ‘Did you just…kiss my ass?’

‘Of course.’

You sigh. ‘Now I’ll never be able to tell you to kiss my ass as an insult.’

‘Why would such a thing be an insult!’ gasps Silverio, ‘it is an honour to be—’

‘All right, all right, just put me down, man!’

Silverio chuckles, carrying you over to a chair before setting you back down. Then he bounces onto the bed, one leg already crossed over the other and hands behind his head before he’s even hit the mattress…with a boing.

You click your tongue at him as you grab your bag. ‘You’re unbelievable.’ He shrugs as though he hasn’t a clue what you’re on about. ‘Where are Halani and Barden anyway?’

Silverio shrugs again. ‘Red Jenny stuff.’

‘With Barden?’

‘What do I know?’

You chuckle, placing your bag on the bed as you begin rummaging through the items you’ve collected so far. When you place the Summoning Stone on the bed, the stone that brought you to Thedas, the stone that is linked to your life and body, Silverio sobers.

With a longing that’s heartbreaking to witness, Silverio takes the stone and holds it close to his heart – you can only watch, remembering whose soul is contained within it. He strokes it gently looking at it fondly, and it feels like he is caressing the top of your head. He wraps it closer to his bosom and hugs it.

‘Are you going to kiss it?’ you ask with a silly smile, hoping it’ll make him feel better.

He grins at you, eyes twinkling with gratitude. ‘Would you like me to?’

You both chuckle and he gently places the stone into the palm of your hand, purpose burning in his eyes. ‘I meant what I said, I will reiterate it as many times as it needs declaring. Antonina’s sacrifice meant that I got to meet you. She would have wanted me to protect you.’

You return his determined gaze. ‘You know, you joke a lot, but I also like this more serious side of you. You’re a man with conviction.’

‘I am a Crow, I must have convictions.’

‘You know what I mean, Silverio. It’s ok to be vulnerable sometimes, and I’m honoured that you would show this side of yourself to me. I am honoured to have your trust.’

‘As I am to have yours, Otherworlder.’ He wraps his hands around yours as you both hold the stone. ‘My sister and I were very close.’ He smiles fondly. ‘All our lives we competed as thieves and later as assassins. We did jobs together. This… I took a hiatus. This is the first job I do without her.’

‘It’s not,’ you say gently, caring in your voice. ‘Antonina is right here with you, through this stone, through me.’

Silverio blinks and a tear runs down his cheek. He whispers your name. ‘I may have failed to protect her, but I will always protect you.’ The two of you share a warm smile before Silverio pulls away, his eyes never leaving yours.

Halani and Barden’s laughter draws near as they enter the cabin and set some items down. Silverio discreetly wipes the tear from his face and resumes a stoic expression.

‘Good, you’re awake.’ Barden grins at you, then he and Halani look expectantly at Silverio. ‘We can start planning.’

‘We’ll be arriving at Val Chevin shortly, yes?’ asks Halani. Silverio nods.

‘All right, what’s the plan, my good man?’ Barden prompts Silverio, whose face and tone become all business.

‘The best way to acquire the ring is to go in as guests to the masked ball,’ explains Silverio. He unrolls a map which looks like a blueprint – in Thedas’s version of one anyway. ‘This is the way in, this is the way out, this is the way to the servant’s quarters. We being in disguises is the only way to steal the ring encased inside that Hart’s bust.’

You can’t help but smirk and you chuckle. ‘This is the way,’ you assert.

‘I’m pleased you think so,’ says Silverio. ‘I will pose as an Orlesian Chevalier.’

‘I’m best posing as Tall Boy’s merchant of goods, then,’ says Barden. ‘I have enough connections, I can think of something to bring as an offered gift.’

‘Very good thinking, my friend.’

‘I guess I should be your servant,’ sighs Halani.

‘Are you sure you’re okay with that?’ you ask her.

‘I’m an elf, and we’re in Orlais. I’ll be able to get into the Servant’s Quarters, hear the gossip, learn things, and I’m Red Jenny. I can gain their help.’

‘As long as you’re certain,’ Silverio says gently.

‘As long as someone isn’t too demanding,’ Halani replies, a smile tugging on the side of her mouth.

‘I have a feeling things would go very wrong for me if I were.’ Silverio and Halani share a laugh before he turns to you. ‘That leaves you, Otherworlder. You can either pose as my Tranquil, you could be my Squire, or…’

Silverio grins at you in a way he never has before, and your stomach flutters – you’re unsure whether from fear or excitement.

‘You can be…my lover.’ He smiles enticingly. You gape at him. Your friends stare at you expectantly. ‘So what will it be?’ asks Silverio.

Continue reading The Otherworlder 2: The Heist

Read other Dragon Age Fan-Fiction stories

You might also enjoy the Protectors of the Force series Star Wars Old Republic Fan-Fiction, or other SWTOR fanfics, Mass Effect Fan-Fiction, or Stardust Destinies the High Fantasy Fiction series.

Grievesome Onanisn – Dragon Age Fan-Fiction Erotic Short Story

Note: Excerpt below is SFW

Loghain slowed his pace, his shoulders dropping, as he walked back to his room, alone, his heart heavy with sorrow.
        Loghain stopped and sighed. ‘What now?’ he demanded monotonously.
        Maric caught up to him. ‘I just want to chat.’
        ‘And I don’t.’ Loghain resumed but Maric held him back by the arm. Loghain sighed gutturally.
        ‘Look, you’ve done a lot around here and I can see you could use some time away. Why don’t you return to Gwaren, I think it’ll do you some good.’
        ‘You trying to get rid of me, man?’
        ‘Loghain,’ Maric chided, ‘I’m trying to help you. I can see you’re…well, we’re all still grieving, but—’
        ‘Are we?’ Loghain turned to face Maric head-on. ‘Are we both still grieving? Because it seems you’ve moved on and I’m the only one who weeps at night for your betrothed because back when you didn’t want her, I loved her more than I could any woman for the rest of my life!’
        Maric blinked back tears. ‘Of course, I still grieve for her,’ he hissed a half-whisper.
        Loghain bowed his head. ‘I’m sorry.’
        Maric hesitated. ‘I just thought you might be happier if you went to Gwaren.’
        ‘Nothing will ever make me happy again, Maric, except serving the man I pledged myself to in trying to forget the women we both loved.’
        The two stood in silence for a while. ‘I’m sorry too,’ Maric said finally. ‘I’ll be happy for you to stay in Denerim if that’s what you want.’
        Loghain nodded and slowly resumed. ‘Good night, Maric.’
        ‘Good night, Loghain.’
        Maric turned and walked the other way.
        Loghain marched into his private chambre. He just needed some quiet. He had once again saved Maric, and what was his friend doing? Urging him to go home. But all Loghain wanted was to be in the place where the woman he truly loved had died.
        He shut the door to his room and leaned his hands on it. He let out a frustrated shout, punching the door. Leaning his head on it, he heaved and let out a loud sob, as tears streamed from his eyes.
        All he wanted was Rowan back, all he wanted was for Rowan to be alive. All he needed was Rowan.
        ‘Oh Rowan,’ he whispered. ‘You’re the only one I ever truly loved.’
        Steadying himself, he walked to the lounge and sat down. He swallowed, closing his eyes, his tears still spilling down his cheeks. He bowed his head. He remembered Rowan’s touch when she caressed him, the taste of her lips; none could satisfy him like she could.
        ‘What a fool I was,’ he growled. ‘What an idiot. I made a mistake. I should never have let you go.’
        He placed a hand to his eyes, weeping. ‘I miss you so much.’
        He placed his other hand on a pillow and squeezed, clenching his jaw, and a wail escaped him. All the anger and hurt, all the anguish of his loss he had suppressed, was now finally being released.
        His body tensed as he heaved, barely able to breathe. He felt like the air from his lungs would never fill again. He was sobbing uncontrollably. He needed to release it, he needed to release it all – now that he was finally allowing himself to feel it.
        And then he felt something else tense, as memories flooded him.

Continue reading Grievesome Onanism

Read other Dragon Age Fan-Fiction stories

You might also enjoy the Protectors of the Force series Star Wars Old Republic Fan-Fiction, or other SWTOR fanfics, Mass Effect Fan-Fiction, or Stardust Destinies the High Fantasy Fiction series.

The Otherworlder: Arrival in Thedas – Dragon Age Fan-Fiction RPG style short story

Originally written for my YouTube community tab readers and viewers, the fan-fiction short story taking place in Thedas, the Dragon Age setting called The Otherworlder: Arrival in Thedas, was created as a mini RPG style interactive story with choices readers could make. Not, based on the story they helped shape, here it is in full.

I also am very happy to have some beautiful artwork that I commissioned Kemvee to make for me of The Otherworlder’s companions: Silverio, Barden, and Halani.

You wake up in Thedas and find yourself obliged to adapt to your new reality. Thankfully, you find a motley crew of companions who pledge their loyalty to you after you discover their ties with the Venatori mage who summoned you to this world. But a darker and more sinister plot exists behind your summoning…

You wake to the sound of rustling leaves and the hoot of an owl. You slowly open your eyes, and realise you are staring up at a starlit sky and the peak of large trees. You are in a forest, which one, you do not know. Neither do you know how you got here, but a gust of wind and the sound of scurrying lets you know you are not alone.

You take a slow inhale of air in attempt to quell your quickening heart. “How long have I been lying here, prey for whoever and whatever might be hunting tonight?” you wonder.

You stand, gathering your bearings, and realise you are standing at a junction of three paths leading off further into the forest. They do not branch off too far, for you can see what lies at the end of each one.

At the end of one path stands a great Eluvian, shimmering with coruscating colours, and humming as though beckoning you to enter it.

The end of another path leads to a great archway through which stairs lead down into the Deep Roads, sombre and eerie, yet enticingly intriguing.

And the last path opens up to a village where the light from a tavern shines brightly against the dim night and an open window carries over the sounds of raucous laughter.

Which path do you take?

You are hyper-aware of the fact that if you do not move from where you are now soon, you will become fodder for any forest predators. Thus, you begin down the path towards the Eluvian. You are also very self-conscious of the fact that you are scantily clad in your everyday pyjamas, and that if you do not find shelter or gear soon, you won’t last very long in Thedas.

At least you assume this is where you are, judging by the Eluvian shimmering before you.

You chance a glance behind your shoulder, already questioning whether or not you have chosen the correct path, but an all too frightening growl coming from the trees beyond urges you to continue.

‘If this is a dream,’ you mutter to yourself, ‘I’m going to explore everything it has to offer me.’

With a hand in front of you to test out the scintillating portal before you, you step through beyond the Eluvian. You immediately scan your surroundings. You are in a long corridor surrounded by elven trees; heavy fog hugs the ground. The path leads forward to an elven archway.

Your eyes fall on an ornate amulet a few feet away from you. Your gamer senses tingle, propelling you towards the amulet. As you pick it up, you notice a purple gem in its centre. The amulet is light in weight, and you instinctively feel as though you know how to use it.

You push down on the gem, it depresses slightly into its golden casing and a surge of purple lightning snakes across the ground. You grin and say to yourself in a low voice, ‘This’ll come in handy.’

Chuckling, you rise and place the amulet around your neck. At least now you have that.

You begin your trek towards the archway but before you can get very far, elven spirits, translucent and purple, emerge from beyond the elven trees and approach you, weapons drawn. They stop but mere inches away from you. You are surrounded.


Continue reading The Otherworlder: Arrival in Thedas

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Read other Dragon Age Fan-Fiction stories

You might also enjoy the Protectors of the Force series Star Wars Old Republic Fan-Fiction, or other SWTOR fanfics, Mass Effect Fan-Fiction, or Stardust Destinies the High Fantasy Fiction series.

The Old Grey House – Fantasy Fiction Song from Stardust Destinies

The following is a passage from Stardust Destinies I Variate Facing.

‘Why, I’m Drúgan. I live here with my two grandchildren, who took it upon themselves to help me help others. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of me — I’m in the old songs, you know. There’s even a song about my daughter and her husband, who have their own invisible house.’

‘Well,’ began Vigh, ‘I’m afraid we haven’t been singing the songs for a long time.’

‘I understand,’ said Drúgan. ‘Let me have the honour.’ He cleared his throat and began to sing with gusto.

Up in the north near the Ortim River,
Lives old Drúgan in that land;
And when you go up thither,
No doubt he will give you a hand.

There with him lives Tlúnëe,
The bravest of the warriors,
With his green eyes like the sea
And his silk hat with the feathers.

There also lives young Clahria,
With her long golden hair,
Who, like her mother Maria,
Practices magic in a secret lair.

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