Chapter Five (Darth Shadie: Lady of the Force)

07 Story 1 Chapter 5

Something scrolled onto the holoscreen and there was the familiar bleep of success.
‘What’s that?’
‘I’ve cracked the code.  You now have access to security systems, communications, everything.’
Knarf was rather proud of himself.  It had taken him many more hours than he’d expected, and it had been a rather challenging feat.  Now, however, feeling Shadie’s touch again was beginning to feel like it would arrive sooner than he’d originally feared.  He hoped it would be even sooner than that.  Whatever it was they were living, he and she, he sure was enjoying it, even though it was still early days.
He smiled as he handed Kelbourn the datapad.
‘Now to that droid.  Better you start now; might take you several days.’
Knarf sighed.  What a karking killjoy.  It was Bantha fodder.  The Mandalorians were always so serious.  A Ronto had a better sense of humour.
Another Mandalorian approached, the one with purple and brown beskar’gam.  Talyc, he believed his name was.  He was one whom Knarf found rather friendly, contrary to what he thought of the others.
‘Uh, sorry to disturb, but Knarf, you might want to see this.’
‘See what?’  Knarf somehow felt dread.
The Mandalorian took off his helmet.  His face was not as haggard as some of the other Mandalorians Knarf had met.  His complexion was smooth; he only had one fine scar on his nose.  He placed the helmet on Knarf’s head.
‘Just let the HUD do its thing.  Oh, but don’t blink too much.’
Knarf watched as an image of the Sith meditation sphere hung in the middle of the screen.  It looked to be in orbit above Nar Shaddaa.  His throat felt dry and tight; his heart pounded.  As the holonews reporter spoke, the screen remained on the image of Master Vorum.
‘…The old man was struck with a fatal lightsaber wound to the chest.  The three Jedi were taken by Sith into the sphere, which now remains in orbit above the moon.’
An image from a holocam showed Shadie, Brenum and Trylia being captured, unable to move, Darth Lahnius’s sneer confirming to Knarf he was the one using the Force on them thusly.  Knarf could see Shadie was struggling by the intensity of her expression, yet neither Jedi could move, except for their feet; it looked like they were being floated out of the cantina.
Knarf removed the helmet and handed it back to the Mandalorian.
‘I must go,’ he said, standing even taller.
‘You must program that droid,’ replied Kelbourn, pointing at the T4 unit.
‘I have to go to her!’  Knarf raised his voice.  ‘Shadie needs me!  She’s in trouble!’
‘You going to kill a handful of Sith, are you?’ said Kelbourn.  ‘You barve, you’re going to get yourself killed.’
‘I don’t care, I have to go.’
‘Don’t make me restrain you.  You haven’t finished paying your friend’s dept.’
Knarf fumed at Kelbourn.  ‘Kriffing kark!  She could die!’
‘Hm, perhaps, and then I could keep you as a prisoner for the Mandalore if I so chose.’
Knarf gritted his teeth, clenching his jaw tightly.  He felt like pounding at the Mando dung’s face.  He formed fists with his hands and loosened them again.  Never a good idea to start a fight with a Mandalorian, especially when they’ve got a vibroblade hanging at their side.
‘Programming that droid could take days,’ he said in as steady a voice as he could.
‘Then you better get to it,’ replied Kelbourn.

Continue reading Chapter Five.

Start reading from the beginning of Story 1.

About binkyproductions

Binky Productions is a video production company that produces Films, Commercial Videos and Multimedia for artists. Binky Ink is the writing division for freelance and fiction writing, as well as screenplay formatting. Celinka Serre is also a YouTuber for Dragon Age gaming, and Green Healing for alternative and natural healing from abuse. View all posts by binkyproductions

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